The current two main established models of physics are not only mutually non-convergent but also individually unable to explain all aspects of observed reality. As a result, neither can possibly have got things right. This means that the complex mathematics constructed from and around these models, although itself undeniably rigorous and self-consistent, is actually very eloquently describing something which is wrong. Because it perfectly describes the reality it was designed for, the mathematics is clearly not the problem and so, instead, we need to look to the underlying physics. However, as theoreticians have enthusiastically embraced a mathematical characterisation of the real world, mathematics has now become firmly established as the driver with physics taking something of a back seat. Because, with the consensus establishment of the Standard Model and General Relativity, physics is considered to have been largely settled, the expectation now is that adjustments to the mathematical modelling alone will resolve everything and finally provide all the answers. As a result, the science aspects of physics have effectively been frozen into the 1900s. Now, when new observations are made, such as with the latest deep space telescopes, that cannot be explained within the current established models, the tendency is to fix things by modifying the mathematics rather than by questioning the underlying physics. If the mathematics then requires the addition of new particles, fields or forms of energy, these are duly added into the existing models and the huge intellectual and financial resources of the physics community immediately redirects into searching for them in order to validate the fix. Perhaps unsurprisingly, this isn’t working. ___ This book set out to offer a different, coherent and comprehensive explanation for the physics of the atom and the universe. Atomic structure, proton size, nuclear bonding, matter creation and the birth of stars are all explained within one single consistent physics and in terms of just two recognised fundamental particles and one single fundamental force. There is no need to resort to complex mathematical interpretations of reality in order to account for seemingly inexplicable interactions between hypothetical subatomic particles or fields. The limitations of the complex mainstream models in accounting for areas such as gravity, antimatter, galaxy structure and dark matter plus the need for several mutually incongruent and situation-specific versions of physics simply do not arise with the model presented here. New ideas in physics currently seem to be mainly aimed at trying to justify the old ideas and huge amounts of time and money are being spent in the process. Changing things will undoubtedly be a very slow process because the intellectual, reputational and financial investment in the status quo is huge. However, as more and more physicists are minded to challenge the established narrative and take a fresh look at the world in terms of reality and observation rather than from a largely mathematical and consensus perspective, it will undoubtedly eventually happen. Although doubtless in need of some refinement, the model presented here provides rational and easily understandable explanations for the way the real world works at a time when, in so many areas, the super-complex, mathematical construct that is the Standard Model struggles or fails. I therefore hope that, however perfect or imperfect, it might stimulate others to consider a different view of the way the universe works. If so, then I will consider this book a resounding success. Paul G Leader
29 Conclusion
Two particle theory of physics - back graphic Two particle theory of physics - back graphic The Two Particle Universe - preface header
The Two Particle Model of Physics - contact
The current two main established models of physics are not only mutually non-convergent but also individually unable to explain all aspects of observed reality. As a result, neither can possibly have got things right. This means that the complex mathematics constructed from and around these models, although itself undeniably rigorous and self-consistent, is actually very eloquently describing something which is wrong. Because it perfectly describes the reality it was designed for, the mathematics is clearly not the problem and so, instead, we need to look to the underlying physics. However, as theoreticians have enthusiastically embraced a mathematical characterisation of the real world, mathematics has now become firmly established as the driver with physics taking something of a back seat. Because, with the consensus establishment of the Standard Model and General Relativity, physics is considered to have been largely settled, the expectation now is that adjustments to the mathematical modelling alone will resolve everything and finally provide all the answers. As a result, the science aspects of physics have effectively been frozen into the 1900s. Now, when new observations are made, such as with the latest deep space telescopes, that cannot be explained within the current established models, the tendency is to fix things by modifying the mathematics rather than by questioning the underlying physics. If the mathematics then requires the addition of new particles, fields or forms of energy, these are duly added into the existing models and the huge intellectual and financial resources of the physics community immediately redirects into searching for them in order to validate the fix. Perhaps unsurprisingly, this isn’t working. ___ This book set out to offer a different, coherent and comprehensive explanation for the physics of the atom and the universe. Atomic structure, proton size, nuclear bonding, matter creation and the birth of stars are all explained within one single consistent physics and in terms of just two recognised fundamental particles and one single fundamental force. There is no need to resort to complex mathematical interpretations of reality in order to account for seemingly inexplicable interactions between hypothetical subatomic particles or fields. The limitations of the complex mainstream models in accounting for areas such as gravity, antimatter, galaxy structure and dark matter plus the need for several mutually incongruent and situation-specific versions of physics simply do not arise with the model presented here. New ideas in physics currently seem to be mainly aimed at trying to justify the old ideas and huge amounts of time and money are being spent in the process. Changing things will undoubtedly be a very slow process because the intellectual, reputational and financial investment in the status quo is huge. However, as more and more physicists are minded to challenge the established narrative and take a fresh look at the world in terms of reality and observation rather than from a largely mathematical and consensus perspective, it will undoubtedly eventually happen. Although doubtless in need of some refinement, the model presented here provides rational and easily understandable explanations for the way the real world works at a time when, in so many areas, the super-complex, mathematical construct that is the Standard Model struggles or fails. I therefore hope that, however perfect or imperfect, it might stimulate others to consider a different view of the way the universe works. If so, then I will consider this book a resounding success. Paul G Leader
29 Conclusion
Two particle theory of physics - back graphic The Two Particle Universe - preface header
The Two Particle Model of Physics - contact
The current two main established models of physics are not only mutually non-convergent but also individually unable to explain all aspects of observed reality. As a result, neither can possibly have got things right. This means that the complex mathematics constructed from and around these models, although itself undeniably rigorous and self-consistent, is actually very eloquently describing something which is wrong. Because it perfectly describes the reality it was designed for, the mathematics is clearly not the problem and so, instead, we need to look to the underlying physics. However, as theoreticians have enthusiastically embraced a mathematical characterisation of the real world, mathematics has now become firmly established as the driver with physics taking something of a back seat. Because, with the consensus establishment of the Standard Model and General Relativity, physics is considered to have been largely settled, the expectation now is that adjustments to the mathematical modelling alone will resolve everything and finally provide all the answers. As a result, the science aspects of physics have effectively been frozen into the 1900s. Now, when new observations are made, such as with the latest deep space telescopes, that cannot be explained within the current established models, the tendency is to fix things by modifying the mathematics rather than by questioning the underlying physics. If the mathematics then requires the addition of new particles, fields or forms of energy, these are duly added into the existing models and the huge intellectual and financial resources of the physics community immediately redirects into searching for them in order to validate the fix. Perhaps unsurprisingly, this isn’t working. ___ This book set out to offer a different, coherent and comprehensive explanation for the physics of the atom and the universe. Atomic structure, proton size, nuclear bonding, matter creation and the birth of stars are all explained within one single consistent physics and in terms of just two recognised fundamental particles and one single fundamental force. There is no need to resort to complex mathematical interpretations of reality in order to account for seemingly inexplicable interactions between hypothetical subatomic particles or fields. The limitations of the complex mainstream models in accounting for areas such as gravity, antimatter, galaxy structure and dark matter plus the need for several mutually incongruent and situation-specific versions of physics simply do not arise with the model presented here. New ideas in physics currently seem to be mainly aimed at trying to justify the old ideas and huge amounts of time and money are being spent in the process. Changing things will undoubtedly be a very slow process because the intellectual, reputational and financial investment in the status quo is huge. However, as more and more physicists are minded to challenge the established narrative and take a fresh look at the world in terms of reality and observation rather than from a largely mathematical and consensus perspective, it will undoubtedly eventually happen. Although doubtless in need of some refinement, the model presented here provides rational and easily understandable explanations for the way the real world works at a time when, in so many areas, the super-complex, mathematical construct that is the Standard Model struggles or fails. I therefore hope that, however perfect or imperfect, it might stimulate others to consider a different view of the way the universe works. If so, then I will consider this book a resounding success. Paul G Leader
29 Conclusion
Two particle theory of physics - back graphic The Two Particle Universe - preface header
The Two Particle Model of Physics - contact